Label_Welcome_1= Welcome to the program "Foto-Mosaik". With this program you can create pictures which are composed of many small pictures (tiles).
Label_Welcome_2= This assistant will guide you throug the rest of creation-process. It will explain all of the next steps required.
Label_Welcome_3= Now press the "Next"-button.
Label_Blend_1= Now you can cross fade the mosaic image with the original image.
Label_Blend_2= In doing so the original image will be put transparent over the mosaic image.
Label_Blend_3= Cross-Fade-Factor in %:
Btn_Blend_Preview= Preview
Label_Done_1= The picture is now saved on the hard-disc. You can close the program.
Label_Options_1= How many tiles should the mosaic picture consist of? The more tiles there are, the better the quality of the final result.
Label_Options_2= Number of tiles:
Label_Options_5= How often should one tile be used? The higher the number, the more exact the picture will be. But, the lower the number, the less detailed the final picture will be.
Label_Options_6= Maximum:
Label_Options_7= Pixel
Label_File_in= (none)
Label_File_Out= (none)
Label_Options_FormatType= Wich format should the tiles have?
Radio_Options_FormatType_Landscape= Landscape
Radio_Options_FormatType_Portrait= Portrait
Radio_Options_FormatType_Square= Square
Label_Options_3= Which resolution should the tiles have? The bigger the resolution of tile is, the bigger the final picture will be.
Label_Options_4= Size of tile:
Label_ChooseDataBase_1= Now select the database which will be used to render the photo.
Label_DBWelcome_1= To create a mosaic you need a huge number of small images, called "tiles". These tiles will be saved in a database, so that the program will get a fast access to them.
Label_DBWelcome_2= Quality of the mosaic improves the more tiles available in the database.
Label_DBWelcome_3= Would you now add pictures to a database?
CheckBox_DBWelcome_SearchDataBase= Add pictures to database...
CheckBox_DBWelcome_DelDataBase= Edit database.
Radio_DBWelcome_Existing= a existing database:
Radio_DBWelcome_New= a new database:
Label_DBDel_1= Databaseindex:
Btn_DBDel_Del= Delete item
Btn_DBDel_SavePicture= Save picture
Btn_DBDel_DelDatabase= Delete database
GroupBox_DBDel_Info= Informations:
Label_Database_Front= Name of database:
Label_Resolution_Front= Resolution (WxH):
Label_FileName_Front= Original filename:
Label_SourceName_Front= Additional description:
Label_DBAdd_1= Now select the directory to search for pictures for the Database.
Label_DBAdd_3= Preview found tiles (that slowed the process).
Label_DBAdd_Sync_Desc= "Synchronise" takes care that there would not be added a picture from these directory that ist already saved in the database.
Label_DBAdd_Res= Resolution/quality of database:
Label_DBAdd_Res_VeryHigh= Very high
Label_DBAdd_Res_High= High
Label_DBAdd_Res_Normal= Normal
Label_DBAdd_Res_Low= Low
CheckBox_DBAdd_Rekursive= Include subdirs in search.
CheckBox_DBAdd_Sync= Synchronise selected pictures with database?
CheckBox_DBAdd_Preview= Show Preview.
Label_ChooseSource_1= Foto-Mosaik can search a local folder on your hard disc for pictures, or it can capture the pictures from a movie.
Label_ChooseSource_2= Please choose:
;---BEGIN geΣndert ab Version 4.0.0--------------
Label_ChooseSource_3= Foto-Mosaik will find all pictures in a specified directory and adds them to the database.
Label_ChooseSource_4= Foto-Mosaik try to extract pictures from a movie-file. For example every two seconds of playing movie.
Label_ChooseSource_5= These option has an experimentally status. That means that extracting pictures probably will not work with every movie file.
;--- ENDE geΣndert ab Version 4.0.0 --------------
Radio_ChooseSource_Folder= Pictures from a local folder
Radio_ChooseSource_Movie= Pictures from a movie
Label_ChooseSource_DBDir= Directory for the databases:
Label_RenderMovie_1= Foto-Mosaik can capture a picture every second from the movie to put it to the database. To do that, open a movie-file:
Btn_RenderMovie_Open= Open movie
GroupBox_RenderMovie= Moviepreview:
Label_RenderMovie_2= In which time interval should Foto-Mosaik save the pictures?
Label_RenderMovie_3= Seconds
Btn_RenderMovie_Play= Start / Play
Btn_RenderMovie_Stop= Stop
Label_File_1= Now choose the picture to create the mosaic.
Label_File_2= Now select where to save the final result picture.
Label_File_3= Foto-Mosaic can create a *.csv table to detect the source of the tile pictures from the mosaic.
;---BEGIN geΣndert ab Version 4.0.0--------------
Label_File_CreateSourcesTable_Desc= Foto-Moasik will create a table containing the source-location of each tile used in the mosaic picture. You can open these file with each ordinary calculation program like OpenOffice or Excel.
;--- ENDE geΣndert ab Version 4.0.0 --------------
Btn_File_Open= Open
Btn_File_Save= Choose
CheckBox_File_CreateSourcesTable= Create a *.sources.csv
Panel_Preview= (none)
Btn_Cancel= Cancel
Btn_Next= Next
Btn_Prev= Back
Caption= Postcardware license
Main_1= Foto-Mosaik is Postcardware (no-charge software which is freely shared) which requires only that you send me a picture postcard as a form of payment. This should be possible even with a small budget.
Main_2= Address:
Count= This window will shown automatically %s times.
NoDataBaseChoosen= No valid Database chosen!
NoDataBaseName= You have no valid Database specified!
NoOpenPicture= You have no picture chosen.#13#10Please select a picture that can be rendered by "Foto-Mosaik".
NoSavePicture= There is no saving-location given!#13#10Please select where to save the final picture.
MoreTilesAsInDatabase= There are more tiles in picture than in the Database (%s).#13#10Continue anyway?
ErrorOpenPicture= Error while opening: "%s".
CanNotGrab= Couldn't capture the picture from the movie.
;---BEGIN geΣndert ab Version 4.0.0--------------
NotEnoughMemory= Possibly there is not enough memory.#13#10Available: %s KB#13#10Needed: %s KB#13#10Continue anyway?
CanNotOpenDonePicture= Couldn't open rendered picture.
CanNotBlend= Couldn't blend pictures.
OldDataBases= There are some older databases, which are not compatible with Foto-Mosaik V 4.0.0.#13#10They can't be used in the program: #13#10%s#13#10#13#10It's not posible to convert these databases into the new format. They may be deleted from you.#13#10Would you like to delete these old databases?
ConfirmDatabaseDel= Are you sure that you want to delete selected database: "%s"?